The Hornet Sports Association (HSA) encourages fun and skill development while introducing healthy competition and sportsmanship to our prekindergarten through sixth-grade students. While cultivating a love of sports, students learn fundamentals and skills and play on a team with their grade-level classmates.
HSA is run by parents/guardians and offers two types of programs: skills sessions and teams. Greenhill facilities are made available for practice subject to availability. Practice days and times are determined by the volunteer coach with team input.
For prekindergarten through fourth grade, HSA prioritizes participation over competition. There are no cuts. All interested students are welcomed and accepted to every sport. If roster sizes require the formation of more than one team in any given grade, reasonable attempts will be made to balance teams from a skill and experience standpoint in the coaches’ judgment. Teams are coached and managed by parent volunteers.
For fifth and sixth grade, the focus of HSA shifts to preparing students for participation in Middle and Upper School competitions at Greenhill. Depending on the sport and roster sizes, students may be assessed on relative ability and experience by Greenhill coaches and sorted into appropriate teams and/or skill development groupings. While the assessments are conducted by Greenhill coaches, the teams at these grade levels are still organized and run by parent volunteers.
T-Ball (Prekindergarten – Kindergarten)
Baseball (Primer – Grade 6)
Softball (Primer – Grade 6)
Soccer (Prekindergarten – Grade 6)
Flag Football (Grades 1-6)
Skills Sessions
Our skill sessions are non-competitive and designed to help students build a foundation in specific sports.