2024 Wes Kittleman Impact Award Honoree: Jack Oros

2024 Wes Kittleman Impact Award Honoree: Jack Oros

Congratulations to Greenhill faculty member and legend Jack Oros who was named the 2024 Wes Kittleman Impact Award honoree.

On May 17, during the Upper School assembly, Head of Upper School Trevor Worcester announced faculty member and legend Jack Oros as the 2024 Wes Kittleman Impact Award honoree.

Jack Oros began teaching at Greenhill in 1989 as an Upper School math teacher. While here, he has been a Student Council Sponsor, College Advisor, Upper School Dean, Advisor, and Dean of Students.

The Wes Kittleman Impact Award, named in honor of a former Upper School faculty member, was established in 2019 by Alexandra and Johnny Chilton '78. This award recognizes an outstanding member of the teaching faculty in Upper School known for excellence and dedication in their positive and transformational impact on students.

The senior class nominates recipients of this award, and the Upper School student body votes to determine the nominee. Here are some comments about this year's award honoree taken from the nominations submitted by the Class of 2024:

  • “While Mr. Oros has the formal title of Dean of Students, everyone knows he is much more to the student body. He is a friend, a confidante, a support system, a tutor, and always has the best snacks . . . He is a lifesaver, and high school would not have been the experience it was for any of us if Mr. Oros was not running around behind the scenes."
  • “Mr. Oros is the heart of Greenhill. He is always supportive of his students or advisory, with advice, snacks, help with math, and a friendly face. He singlehandedly brightens people's days by spending time making baked goods and bagel chips every week. He genuinely cares for his students, taking time to meet with them and offering help to anyone that comes his way."
  • “I think we often underappreciate the sheer amount of work he does for us, from baking us brownies, making sure we have bagels every week, setting up ping pong tables, and just being everyone's biggest cheerleader. I've been on Student Council all four years of high school, and he's there every meeting making sure all our concerns are heard and going out of his way to help us make stuff happen. There's nobody who cares more about us than he does, and I think he truly deserves some recognition for his hard work, time, and genuinely amazing character."

Please join us in congratulating Jack Oros on receiving this award. Thank you to the Chilton family for making this award possible.

 OptimizedImage,OptimizedPhoto by: Robert Jackson

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